Відкритий урок " Вільний час.Вечірки"(5 клас підручник Карп 'юк О.Д.) відкритий урок
Автор розробки: Савон Ірина Володимирівна
Урок був проведений в рамках обласного семінару від ЗОІППО за темою "Гра,як розвиток самопізнання,що
відображає та урізноманітнює вміння та навички учнів під час вивчення англійської мови".Впродовж уроку були
задіяні різні прийоми на форми роботи:ігрові моменти,рольова гра,проектна методика и елементи методу Сase-Study.
Цілі : Повторення
вивчених ЛO теми.
учнів у писемному мовленні.
Розвивати вміння аудіювання.
вміння спілкуватися.
ввічливість у спілкуванні.
Виховувати патріотизм до своєї країни та до
Обладнання -мультимедійна система,картки з завданнями, постери,
Хід уроку :
2.Giving compliments.
T-I want to say
you look wonderful today! Warm words make us happy, so say some good
compliments to each other.(Pupils tell compliments-You are friendly/You look
great/You are strong and funny)
3.Phonetic warming up ^Tongue –Twisters^
T-I am so
pleased to see you in a good mood, but before we start our lesson I want to be
sure that your tongues are ready. Look at the screen .Yes, these are tongue
twisters, they are so snaky. Today we train 2 sounds B
and Sh. First listen to we, then try
to say as quickly as possible but right!
T-Oh, that was
incredible! All I want to say that Practice Makes Perfect!
So now I have a
desire to address to our guests. What ideas do you have according to the topic of our
lesson &costumes , decorations? …Yes,
today we are going to say about parties and present our own ones. We talked
much about different types of parties and now I am eager to check you up. You
will listen to 3 short party descriptions. Try to be the first.
(3 pupils are
telling about parties. Answers –Outdoor Party, Sleep-over
Party and Bithday one)
T-Oh, I see,you very smart and
the next game Smarts and Geniues will be a little harder. So
your task is to circle all the words according to our today topic. The team
that finds first cry out Bingo! Let us start.(After finishing this game a
teacher checks answers, pupils paste funny stickers on their Reward paper for
every right answer)
T-I can say that
you have proved me that you are very wise .Children like to make up various
stories and I propose you to become A Little Writer. Your task is to write just
3 sentences on Party theme but you have to miss 1 verb,2 adjectives and 1
noun.(Children work in their groups making up short stories, then present to
another group
e.g. Halloween
Halloween is an
old…….People wear……and costumes. The children…tricks and get sweets.
T-You are
opponents today .You are different but music unites people and now I want you
relax a little. Come to me and sing the song together (Children sing a song The
more We Get Together..)
T-Parties are
smiles, presents, f un, good mood but it is not only your holiday but people
you invite. And I want to be sure you can be a good host at your party. Look at
the screen and find out wrong statements ,just write of numbers of them.(After
2 min. children read statements aloud)
T-So, everything
is ready guests were invited, costumes are ready, your place is decorated! But
you have one guest, the new one in your company and he has some fears about
your party. Your task was to plan your party thinking about his preferences, activities
and even food as well.(Children present theirs party projects
1 team Ukrainian Bithday Party
Ann :
Welcome,dear friends and guests!
We introduce our
party.My friends and I are Ukrainians.We love our country.It is so sunny and
merry.Our people are very friendly and kind.
Sofia :
We,girls,like pretty dresses.And today we are in our national dresses embroidered shirts,nice skirts and ,of
course, wreaths.Girls look so nice!
Vlada : We are very
hospitable.People in my coutry like to celebrate holidays together.Our tables are always full of
tasty dishes.Yes,most think our food is full of
fat,but it is not so,look at us.We are so pretty!
Ann :
Oh,Vlada,agree with you.Do not forget that we have one boy in our
party,Daniel,he does not eat meat and my mum cooked some lean dishes.All our
food is so yummy!
Sofia : We like
to have fun.We are very actine and real singers.So many beautiful songs.We want
Daniel have fun in our company.Let us rock the party,girls!
(звучить пісня «Грицю,Грицю…,діти співають та
обигрують слова пісні)
Ann : Come to
our party and we can play and have fun together!
2 team-A Very British Marry Poppins Party Project
Very British “Mary Poppins” Birthday Party
morning,ladies and gentlemen!Welcome to our
Very British *Mary Poppins*Party!My name is Louisa and these are my
friends)You know,I am a serious girl and like reading books much.One of my favourite one is Mary Poppins.Many
children like it and not only in Britain.So,we are glad to present our project .I like
different magic things –floating children with umbrellas,floting tables…Isn*t
it amazing?
course,it is very interesting…but we want to keep a secret how to do it!Believe
in magic!
Dima –You look
like real ladies today-hats,dresses,gloves.So elegant!I do not like all these
Barbies,princesses and glamour girls.
Girls-Thanks a
lot,you look great too.
know,we have a new boy in our company,his name is Daniel,but his Mum say he is
very shy and has no friends,he is so upset!
Ok!We can have good time together playing and doing funny things!
help him to fell comfortable in our friendly company.
like games and sweets! Sweet tooth is so funny,we have to put every bowl full of
sugar!Full of emotions game!
I am getting hungry,it*s tea time)Some words about our menu –curried coronation
tea sandwiches(we use eggs because Daniel doesn*t eat meat and vy family
respect our friends),Victoria Sponge Cake with fresh berries,Lemon cakes,Iced
Tea and Lemonade.Help yourself!
You know,Stars
are a huge theme in the Mary Poppins
books and we guess another game will give us more fun!Eat a hanging star without
hands.What funny faces we have!!
Diana-I like the
way we finish our party!Umbrellas,they are a symbol of hope,children,merry
time.We take an umbrella and draw iy as we like!We are little designers of our
happy time!
Louisa-If you
like our magical party,come and we can fun together!!Thanks)
T- I want to say
you have made great work today and get great experience .So I am sure your
future parties will be amazing and not boring. Your marks for the lesson are….Have
a nice day and take small presents you see on the tables because it is a Party
Lesson! See you next lesson, good- bye!
-повторення та закріплення активної лексики теми
-повторення вживання модальних дієслов зобов'язання
-розвиток навичок діалогічного мовлення
Образовательные: развивать навыки монологической устной и письменной речи; активизировать ранее изученную лексику по теме «Work / Job / Professions» в устной и письменной речи; развивать навыки умения общаться на английском языке – диалогическая речь. Совершенствовать грамматические навыки have to / should.
Развивающие: развивать интеллектуальные способности учащихся; формировать умение выделять главное, сравнивать и анализировать.
Воспитательные: развивать у учащихся самостоятельность мышления, содействовать профориентации учащихся, формировать потребности в практическом использовании языка.
Обладнання- ноутбуки,мультимедійна система,картки з завданням,диск Хід уроку
1. Warming up
1. Saying compliments
Good morning,everybody!Dear children,today our lesson is not very usual.Today we have guests and I wantr you greet them.We are going have a lesson-discussion,business game and your project presentations.You know people must be tolerant to each other,so let*s syart with saing compliments.
T-Maria,you are very beautiful today.
P1-Thanks,you are very kind.Ann,your smile is so charming.
P2-Thanks a lot.I am pleased to hear that.Ann,you are very imaginative.
P3-Thanks.Ksyusha,you are positive and cheerful
P4….(and so on)
2.Presentation the topic and the aims of the lesson.
T-Oh,I guess this pleasant game has relaxed you a little.So,I want to address your attention to the topic of our lesson and the aims we have to reach.
Look at the screen.The topic of our lesson is *Jobs and qualifications* and during it we are going to revise essential vocabulary,the usage of them in practice,giving advice using vodal verbs of obligation,role-play dialogues,the projects*presentations.
3.Phonetic warming up.
T – on the screen you can see 2 provebs. Let*s train first some sounds and then read them .May be some of you will take them as goals now and then.
2.Essential part of the lesson.
1.Revision active vocabulary.
T- I am giving you pieces of paper on which you should connect words and their definitions quickly as possible. Just write letters. Go on ( 1 minute)
2.Using active vocabulary filling in sentences(work on computers)
T – I see, this task was not hard to do for you. Good because your knowledge will help you to do another task. Click on your computer and find exercise in Writing Jobs. You see sentences with missing words,at the button you have words. Be attentive, words more than sentences. You have 3 min. for this exercise. Let*s go!!.....Time*s up! How correct sentences do you have? Check them up. You are well-orientated in using active vocabulary.
3.Giving advice using modal words of obligation.
T – You are teens and sometimes you come across with a lot of different obstacles, misunderstanding, disappointing . But all your problems could be sorted out if you have a person who can support and give good pieces of advice.
Look at the screen and revise the usage of modal words of obligation.
I am giving you cards with problem situation. Think over the best way out. Your time is 3 min….Let*s listen to your pieces of advice. Very curious.(Children are reading their answers).
We have discussed everyday problems but let*s back to our essential topic and look at the screen, you will see Maria. She wants to get good job, but cannot do it herself. Help her and point out her in right direction.
(Children are giving their pieces of advice).
4.Role – play dialogues «At the interview».
T – Oh, thanks a lot. You are very experienced in this way. Imagine that you are at the interview. One of you is an applicant another is an interviewer. You had an opportunity to choose one of your ads and follow the points, made up your own dialogue.
You can show how it could be to your mind.
(Children are dramatizing their dialogues).
T – Nice work. Great reincarnation. We study the English and their lifestyles and compare a British student interview. While listening you will have to make notes according to the headings.
(Children are listening and making notes).
T –Speak out your answers.Great!
5.Projests* presentations.
T – Finally,girls will present their own projects.I wish this info were cognitive and useful for you.
(Girls are speaking out their projects).
3.Summarizing the lesson.
T – Our lesson is coming over.I want to say thank you for your work.
Your marks for the lesson are...
Your hometask is to write a SV.Good bye.Have a nice day!
Open Lesson #Jobs And Qualifications#
(9th form English in Mind )
Тема - « Робота і Кваліфікація»
-повторення та закріплення активної лексики теми
-повторення вживання модальних дієслов зобов'язання
-розвиток навичок діалогічного мовлення
Образовательные: развивать навыки монологической устной и письменной речи; активизировать ранее изученную лексику по теме «Work / Job / Professions» в устной и письменной речи; развивать навыки умения общаться на английском языке – диалогическая речь. Совершенствовать грамматические навыки have to / should.
Развивающие: развивать интеллектуальные способности учащихся; формировать умение выделять главное, сравнивать и анализировать.
Воспитательные: развивать у учащихся самостоятельность мышления, содействовать профориентации учащихся, формировать потребности в практическом использовании языка.
Обладнання- ноутбуки,мультимедійна система,картки з завданням,диск Хід уроку
1. Warming up
1. Saying compliments
Good morning,everybody!Dear children,today our lesson is not very usual.Today we have guests and I wantr you greet them.We are going have a lesson-discussion,business game and your project presentations.You know people must be tolerant to each other,so let*s syart with saing compliments.
T-Maria,you are very beautiful today.
P1-Thanks,you are very kind.Ann,your smile is so charming.
P2-Thanks a lot.I am pleased to hear that.Ann,you are very imaginative.
P3-Thanks.Ksyusha,you are positive and cheerful
P4….(and so on)
2.Presentation the topic and the aims of the lesson.
T-Oh,I guess this pleasant game has relaxed you a little.So,I want to address your attention to the topic of our lesson and the aims we have to reach.
Look at the screen.The topic of our lesson is *Jobs and qualifications* and during it we are going to revise essential vocabulary,the usage of them in practice,giving advice using vodal verbs of obligation,role-play dialogues,the projects*presentations.
3.Phonetic warming up.
T – on the screen you can see 2 provebs. Let*s train first some sounds and then read them .May be some of you will take them as goals now and then.
2.Essential part of the lesson.
1.Revision active vocabulary.
T- I am giving you pieces of paper on which you should connect words and their definitions quickly as possible. Just write letters. Go on ( 1 minute)
2.Using active vocabulary filling in sentences(work on computers)
T – I see, this task was not hard to do for you. Good because your knowledge will help you to do another task. Click on your computer and find exercise in Writing Jobs. You see sentences with missing words,at the button you have words. Be attentive, words more than sentences. You have 3 min. for this exercise. Let*s go!!.....Time*s up! How correct sentences do you have? Check them up. You are well-orientated in using active vocabulary.
3.Giving advice using modal words of obligation.
T – You are teens and sometimes you come across with a lot of different obstacles, misunderstanding, disappointing . But all your problems could be sorted out if you have a person who can support and give good pieces of advice.
Look at the screen and revise the usage of modal words of obligation.
I am giving you cards with problem situation. Think over the best way out. Your time is 3 min….Let*s listen to your pieces of advice. Very curious.(Children are reading their answers).
We have discussed everyday problems but let*s back to our essential topic and look at the screen, you will see Maria. She wants to get good job, but cannot do it herself. Help her and point out her in right direction.
(Children are giving their pieces of advice).
4.Role – play dialogues «At the interview».
T – Oh, thanks a lot. You are very experienced in this way. Imagine that you are at the interview. One of you is an applicant another is an interviewer. You had an opportunity to choose one of your ads and follow the points, made up your own dialogue.
You can show how it could be to your mind.
(Children are dramatizing their dialogues).
T – Nice work. Great reincarnation. We study the English and their lifestyles and compare a British student interview. While listening you will have to make notes according to the headings.
(Children are listening and making notes).
T –Speak out your answers.Great!
5.Projests* presentations.
T – Finally,girls will present their own projects.I wish this info were cognitive and useful for you.
(Girls are speaking out their projects).
3.Summarizing the lesson.
T – Our lesson is coming over.I want to say thank you for your work.
Your marks for the lesson are...
Your hometask is to write a SV.Good bye.Have a nice day!
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